I met Jan Fabre for the first time seven years ago, when I was an art historian and curator at the very beginning of my career, it was for me an honor when I received from the Belgian master the extraordinary opportunity to collaborate in one of his great shows. I knew his work well and considered him a great artist, then I had the opportunity to work with him and to get to know his working group, formed by both Angelos and Troubleyn, and I immediately realized that I had also an extraordinary person in front of me. An artist who had given life to a dream and allowed other dreamers to be free with him but also without him, without any imposition. In visual arts and theater, Jan Fabre’s work is fundamental for many generations of artists, critics, actors and actresses, and has created a new language and a new course in the history of art.
As a woman, I had many negative experiences during my career, so I support and defend all the women who find themselves in difficult situations, but in my experience never as in the Troubleyn family I felt respected and valued only for the work done.
Without any hesitation, I want to say that I have never had any experience even remotely similar to those written in the open letter published against Jan Fabre and Troubleyn. On the contrary, I have always found in Jan Fabre an ally and supporter in the difficult affirmation of myself as a woman and as a professional in the field of visual art.
Meritocracy, loyalty, commitment to bring out the talents of each person are insidacable values to Troubleyn; my experience of seven years of knowledge and familiarity can only affirm this.
I am not exaggerating to say that Jan Fabre is one of the most correct, sincere and direct people I have ever met. Demanding as only masters can be, Jan has helped many people (me included) to believe in themselves and to grow, with his generosity, energy and with his precious artistic and human support. That’s why I am very sad about everything that has happened after the open letter and the difficulties Troubleyn is having. Art is freedom but also effort and you have to be open and ready to listen and learn from the masters. People who does not understand this and wants to take advantage for easy visibility, does not deserve to be called artists or performers.
Melania Rossi – curator