(Dutch below) In response to the fuss about Jan Fabre, I would like to give evidence of my own experiences as a dancer in a career that has lasted for quite some time. I also spent three weeks in an audition workshop with Fabre in the preparation to the performance...
In 2004 I started my first dramaturgical collaboration with Jan Fabre. I had been following his work already for years, fascinated as I was by his daring radicality on stage. This fascination was certainly linked to how he was dealing with sexuality, amongst others....
(English below) Et alors tu es là un stylo à la main le doute dans les veines, toi d’habitude enfoncé dans le fauteuil rouge, toi spectatrice de la beauté, soudain et sans transition tu deviens sujet. Et alors tu désires de tout ton corps n’avoir jamais blessé...